
Barber Motorsports Park July 2021

Header image for Winter in July blog post.

NASA events tend to have some sort of quirky title and/or theme and in the 2021 season, the irony knows no bounds. First there’s the season opener called ‘Summer in February’ where rain and frigid temps are almost a rite of passage at this point. And that’s without the...

Road Atlanta June 2021

8 944 Spec racecars lined up at the Road Atlanta Paddock

Road Atlanta always contains teachable moments for me and this year is no exception. Even if some of the lessons may be self inflicted.

NOLA Motorsports 2021

It’s that time of year again to play in the summer heat of New Orleans. Every year tells a different story making this event one of the highlights of the Mid South calendar.

New Track: WWTR May 2021

World Wide Technology Raceway or WWTR is located just outside St Louis on the Illinois side of the Mississippi river. Previously known as Gateway due to it’s proximity to the St. Louis arch. The main track is a NASCAR oval with an infield road course section. World Wide Technology Raceway...

Catching Things Up: Race Season 2021

It’s the end of April, I’m 2 events and 6 races into the 2021 season and I’ve been MIA since the end of 2020. A new business opportunity presented itself early 2021 and pretty much consumed my life. It’s one of those high risk high reward moments with potential to fulfill...

Hunka Hunka Burnin Rubber @ MIR 2020

cover photo for hunka hunka burnin rubber story nov 2020

Racing in town is always a welcome break from the ‘go go go’ usually associated with travel events. Sleeping in my own bed, eating my own food and generally taking a slower pace throughout the weekend is a nice respite; although a lot of credit goes to the crew that runs the NASA...

NCM with NASA Midsouth Oct 2020

I find it hard to write an introduction for my latest trip to the National Corvette Museum so I will say this; I have always had a love hate relationship with this track and this weekend was particularly difficult. Preparation I always stress having a plan for a race weekend and this weekend was no...

Road Atlanta with NASA Southeast June 2020

What better way to reignite the 2020 season than a trek to Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta for the annual Turn 7 Girl memorial event hosted by NASA Southeast. This year was unique with the addition of a few Covid-19 restrictions that everyone was more than willing to comply with in order to race.

2020 Summer in February @ Memphis International Raceway

2019 was a great season that solidified an upward trend in my racing and building on that momentum is the goal of the 2020 season. Looking at the results from the season opener with NASA Mid South at Memphis International Raceway, things are off to a great start.


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The Crew @ Memphis International Raceway